dilluns, 31 de gener del 2011


Last week I went to see this film in the cinema with my friends. 3MSC is a popular film, all the teenagers talk about this.
This film is about a love story.
The girl is a very good student, and she necer did anything that it was bad. But one day while she was going to the high school she met a gorgeous boy. His name was Hugo. He was a typical bad boy. He smoked, he didn't go to the high school, he did a ilegal things..
First the girl hated hugo, but Hugo loved her.
Finally she fell in love with the boy. She started not go to the high school. She went a parties, she drank..
But Hugo was an impulsive boy and didn't thought the things that he did. And one day Boby (the girl) said him that it was finished.
I think that this film is the best film that I have ever seen. I recomended this film to everybody.