diumenge, 28 de novembre del 2010


Name of animal: Blue Whale.
Where it lives: Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean and in a Indian Ocean southern Pacific Ocean.
Food: Krill or copepods.
How many left: 4.000 aproximatly.

The Blue Whale is a marine mammal with a length of up to 32.9 m and a weight of up to 172 tons. It is the largest animal that has never existed.
There are Three subspecies. One lives in the north of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Another lives in Southern Ocean and the last in Indian Ocean and southern Pacific Ocean.
Blua whales feed almost exclusively on krill, but also take small numbers of copepods. An adult blue whale can eat up to 40 milion krill in a day.
As the krill moving , the whales tend to feed at depths over 100 m during the day and only feed on the surface at night.
The total popilation of the North Atlantic is estimated at between 600 and 1.500 copies in the North Pacific and find the highest concentration, with about 2.000 whales.
One of the reasons that makes the blue be engangered that it is stuck or trapped in fishing gear.
One of the things that concern is global waeming becaure it can undo the dust and water from the oceans and they will become cold. The change in ocean temperatures affects the food sources of blue whales. Warming and declining levels of salinity would cause a major change in the situation and the abundance of krill.
To avoid the estinction of blue whales we should try not to fish in places where they live.